Conferences and Events

On the menu above you will find links to educational institutions specializing in Chaplaincy education, webinars, conferences, seminars and other events of interest to Prison Chaplains, Prison volunteers and others who work with prisoners.

As well there are links to the past IPCA conferences including agendas, declarations and photos as they are available.

If you have information about an upcoming event please use the contact form and send the details along to us. As well, if you have pictures or resources from past IPCA conferences send them along too!

Conferences and Events
Conferences and Events
Conferences and Events

World Day of Prayer 25 August 2024

“in preparation for our World Day of Prayer on August 25, here is an order of service. Other translations will be made available when ready. If you make a translation into your language, please tell us by contacting us.


IPCA world day of Prayer occurs every year and joins chapelains around the world.

IPP returns to the United Nations

Read below the full report fom our partner organisation Interfaith Prison Partnership (IPP) who made such a valuable contribution to our UN Side Event in New York. It was a privilege for IPCA to give these thought leaders in innovative and reforming approaches to prison systems a platform at this level! Speakers, sponsors and IPP […]


2023 has been a year of ‘in-person’ for IPCA. In-person national meetings were held in Africa; IPCA Europe held the first IPCA in-person regional conference since the pandemic; IPCA’s UN team were again able to attend UN events in Vienna and New York in person; and the current Worldwide Steering Committee was able to have its first in-person […]

2024 Christmas Message from IPCA Worldwide President

Christmas is of course a time when we as Christians remember the Incarnation, a central tenet of our faith. Incarnation is also a concept that’s close to my heart as a chaplain, as we in some small way bring the fellowship of Christ to inmates through our bodily presence alongside them not only at crisis […]

IPCA Europe Conference11th – 13th June 2023

Livestream from Llandudno, North Wales The IPCA Europe Committee are delighted to announce that booking is now open for the free livestream of the IPCA Europe 2023 Conference. Register now for free Here Our conference, held in Llandudno UK will be an opportunity for Prison Chaplains from across Europe and the Middle East to join […]

IPCA Blogpost July 2021 – “I’ve had enough Lord” (David Buick)

At times of fatigue I’m constantly drawn to the story of Elijah as he flees into the desert after being threatened by Jezebel. Can there be any of us who at one time or another have not echoed his prayer, “I’ve had enough, Lord” (1 Kings 19:4)? As chaplains, we are constantly giving – and […]

IPCA Blog Post – June 2021 – Terje Salvigsen

Status quo for the Nordic prison system How the high security system operates and how it helps inmates with long sentences. I am a chaplain working in Ringerike prison in Norway, a high security prison with 160 single rooms. I have also worked a couple of years in low security prisons.My knowledge is of course […]

IPCA Blog May 2021 – ‘A Radical Love’

A RADICAL LOVE (A Journey Towards Healing and Forgiveness) by Gerry V. Bernabe* “Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us..” (the Lord’s Prayer) These are the words found in the very prayer that our Lord Jesus Christ taught us as the proper […]

Prison Chaplaincy in Jars of Clay

Prison Chaplaincy in Jars of Clay 7 But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. 8 We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; 9 persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. 10 We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that […]